Pennsylvania has the fourth highest tractor-trailer crash rate in the whole country, resulting in more than 200 deaths annually. Furthermore, each year, large trucks drive approximately 280 billion miles on U.S. roads. Another staggering number is that more than 15 million trucks transport goods across the United States. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMSCA), which is responsible for regulating the trucking industry, estimates that over 400,000 traffic crashes each year involve heavy trucks. Tractor trailer crashes are complex and require an experienced attorney.
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Between seven thousand and nine thousand patients die each year due to preventable prescription medication errors, according to the National Institute of Health.
These errors can be prevented if manufacturers, distributors, and medical providers ensure there are appropriate safety systems in place. There are several points during the medication process for errors to occur. For example: the wrong medication may be prescribed; a typographical error when transcribing a prescription could lead to a catastrophic or fatal dosage; a pharmacist may dispense the wrong medication altogether; a registered nurse or physician may administer the incorrect type of medication or dose; or there may be a failure to monitor the effects of a medication on a patient.
Attorneys involved in auto products liability cases will have also, most likely, investigated crash avoidance technology (CAT) issues. Investigating a CAT case and then pursuing it requires special knowledge, attention, and experience. This is particularly important because the foundation of a winning case begins with a thorough investigation into the viability of the potential claim. Further, CAT cases in themselves have many unique aspects.
This article is intended to help walk auto products liability attorneys through the process of investigating a CAT case.
Jaime Jackson and Attorney Larry Coben from Anapol Weiss are sharing their knowledge of Pennsylvania Product Liability Law through a series of webinars and articles. This article shares some of the basic concepts about Products Liability Law in Pennsylvania.